A comprehensive Toolkit that provides assets for Cardholder Communication Pre and In Travel, and driving Merchant Awareness.
Audience: All
Expiration: 04-30-2024
A comprehensive Toolkit that provides assets for Cardholder Communication Pre and In Travel, and driving Merchant Awareness.
Audience: All
Expiration: 04-30-2024
Animated banner highlighting acceptance in key cities and travel benefits in a variety of sizes and dimensions.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 04-30-2024
Statement Insert to promoting acceptance.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 04-30-2024
Email highlighting acceptance and travel benefits.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 04-30-2024
Landing page providing location specific acceptance information and network acceptance marks.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 04-30-2025
Rotating carousel highlighting city and acceptance marks.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 04-30-2025
Facebook video highlighting city and acceptance marks.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 04-30-2024
Rotating images highlighting acceptance at local restaurants.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 04-30-2024
Animated banner recommending city attractions with acceptance marks.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 04-30-2024
Banner ads inviting cardholders to explore featured city and highlighting acceptance marks.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 04-30-2024
Animated out of home inviting cardholders to explore featured city and highlighting acceptance marks.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 04-30-2024
Additional images that can be leveraged in assets that are free have no copyright restrictions.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 04-30-2025
Video highlighting benefits of acceptance.
Audience: Acquirer, Merchant
Expiration: 04-30-2024
Landing page promoting the benefits of acceptance and free signage.
Audience: Acquirer, Merchant
Expiration: 04-30-2024
Brochure educating on acceptance providing city specific tourist information.
Audience: Acquirer, Merchant
Expiration: 04-30-2024
Postcard highlighting benefits of acceptance with removable logos that can be displayed.
Audience: Acquirer, Merchant
Expiration: 04-30-2024
Additional images that can be leveraged in assets that are free have no copyright restrictions.
Audience: Acquirer, Merchant
Expiration: 04-30-2024
A comprehensive Toolkit that provides assets to drive online card usage and awareness with merchants.
Audience: All
Expiration: 11-01-2023
A comprehensive Toolkit that provides assets for Merchant communications to encourage placing signage showing Discover® Global Network acceptance.
Audience: All
Expiration: 11-01-2023
Animated banner ad that highlights global e-commerce acceptance.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 11-01-2023
Promote the benefits of displaying Discover® Global Network acceptance marks on their checkout page.
Audience: Acquirer, Merchant
Expiration: 11-01-2023
Social Media video ads to encourage merchants to place Discover® Global Network acceptance marks on their checkout page.
Audience: Acquirer, Merchant
Expiration: 11-01-2023
Invite cardholders to explore our featured merchants with their card and drive to the travel guide.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 11-01-2022
Highlight global e-commerce acceptance. Drive to the landing page for merchant-specific acceptance information.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 11-01-2023
Highlight merchant-specific acceptance information and network acceptance marks.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 11-01-2023
Highlight global e-commerce acceptance. Drive to the landing page for merchant-specific acceptance information.
Audience: Acquirer, Merchant
Expiration: 11-01-2022
Highlight a key data point related to DGN scale.
Audience: Acquirer, Merchant
Expiration: 11-01-2023
Highlight global e-commerce acceptance. Drive to the landing page for merchant-specific acceptance information.
Audience: Issuer, Cardholder
Expiration: 11-01-2023
Highlight the scale of the network, e-commerce specific merchant information and next steps for accepting DGN cardholders.
Audience: Acquirer, Merchant
Expiration: 11-01-2023
Highlight the scale of the network, e-commerce specific merchant information and next steps for accepting DGN cardholders.
Audience: All
Expiration: 11-01-2023